Monday, May 22, 2017

The Ocean

I chose to do research about the ocean because it’s unbelievable how we haven’t discover 95% of the ocean. The ocean is a huge habitat in which we have not had the opportunity to explore. We have only been in 5% of the ocean. This is incredible to me. There could be millions of undiscovered spices. There can be wildlife down there. And who knows how big it is. There are just so many possibilities. It's just unbelievable to me how we have seen what is down there. There is however some astonishing creatures that we know are down there there is whales and squids that can grow to be bigger than a whale. These animals are extremely big imagine if there was to be a protector for them? Imagine how huge that would be or how many teeth it would have and how dangerous it would be. And there always are missing ships at sea. Imagine how many things lay at the bottom of the sea. There could be thousands and thousands of objects down there what if there even is undiscovered flooded cities. We can learn a lot from the ocean itself even the oldest creatures romned even from back when dinosaurs still existed. There are just so many things that are or were once down there.

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